Inspired by the lovely response received for the quizzes hosted in Telugu, we experimented with an online live bilingual quiz on Telugu and Tamil Cinema.
Boom! It was a hit. People loved it and we were overwhelmed by the messages and requests to host similar quizzes in other regional languages of India!
This reminded us of a quote by Nelson Mandela... If you talk to a man in the language he understands, that will go into his head. If you talk to him in his language, it goes into his heart.
Encouraged by the love and support, we enabled the regional languages quizzes to be hosted live on our Facebook page by the quiz masters of respective languages.
Every other native language quiz has surprised us by the number of active participants, especially from the non-quizzing circles and followed by the encouraging reviews!
Here is the list and schedule of quizzes hosted under this series:
Click here for PPTs of quizzes hosted under The 8th Schedule Quizzes
Telugu - Tamil Cinema Quiz By TackOn and CQF - Video
Odia Quiz by Pabitra Parayan - Video
Bangla Quiz by Anindita Basu Roy - Video
Marathi Quiz by Madhur Tike - Video
Kannada Quiz by Sundeep Kamath - Video
Kerala Quiz in Malayalam and English in association with Chai Pe Quiz at 8PM on 25 May 2020 - Video
Hindi Quiz by Nishant Nihar on 30 May, 8PM - Video
Scheduled quizzes:
Tamil Quiz by Harish Sankar on 13 June, 8PM - Link will be updated soon
We have more quizzes lined up in this series, awaiting to be scheduled. Follow our Website( ) or our Facebook page for more updates.
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